$20 Gift Card: See if you have psychic powers.

A European startup wants to see if people have the ability to subconsciously predict future events.

We are recruiting individuals to run through a short psychic test to see if you have psychic powers (no experience necessary!)

We are especially recruiting people who think they might have psychic abilities, feel like they get nervous/respond to events before they happen, feel like they have premonitions, or are sensitive to sound.

All ages, including kids, are invited. Please forward this to anyone you know who may be interested.

To sign up, please click on a time below.

To sign up, please schedule a time here.

Study description:

Participants will be asked to wear a skin conductance sensor that unobtrusively measures their subconscious emotional experience.

We will then ask you sit in a chair for 25 minutes closing your eyes. About every minute a loud white noise will be played (sometimes not). We can adjust the noise so it’s startling but not too loud for you.

Our research is looking at whether you respond to the noise before it happens.

After the short session, you will receive a one of a kind print out of your emotional responses during the test.

We will invite participants who show psychic potential back for potential future work!

If you have any questions about this study, please email Dr. Elliott Hedman (hedman@media.mit.edu) or call him at 970-389-3047.


We needed to do this study in a sound proof environment, so we are conducting the study at Dr. Elliott Hedman’s home near Boulder, CO.

The research site address is 3518 N Nyland Way, Lafayette, CO 80026. You can park in any of the residential parking spots. The research house is as south as you can go. If you get lost, please call Elliott at 970-389-3047 and he will come find you.

If you would prefer to do the study at the CU Campus, please directly email Elliott (hedman@media.mit.edu) and we will work on reserving lab space for you.

There is still so much to learn about how our mind works. Help us discover new truths.