Measure emotional reactions that have never been observed before.
We use Electrodermal Activity Sensors to measure your customer’s subconscious emotional response. With these sensors, you can see the exact moment when customer’s emotionally react to your product.
Our Electrodermal Activity Sensors measure micro-changes in participant’s sweat glands. These sweat glands are a marker of the sympathetic nervous system (the reptilian fight or flight response).
With the Electrodermal Activity Sensors, you can measure customer’s excitement, engagement, attention, calmness, and stress.
Engagement - A shopper disengages when an employee pushes sales on them.
Excitement - A Kindergardner becomes excited solving double digit addition for the first time.
Attention - During a sales pitch, the buyer engages when asking his own questions.
Stress - A child becomes stressed building LEGO Technic without his mother.
Calmness - A child with Autism is able to relax when lying in a ball pit.
Attention - A student pays more attention during the quiz than lessons.
7x Increase of Stakeholder Buy In
According to a study done with the LEGO Group, stakeholders who watch a video are 7x more likely to increase support for a new innovation when seeing customer’s Electrodermal Activity data. “Soft data” like emotions and self reports are often too easy to dismiss, but subconscious emotional reactions are much easier to empathize and believe in.
We showed 143 LEGO Employees Matthew’s experience with building LEGO Technic. In the video, Matthew substantially calms down when his mom helps him out.
Prior to our experiment, most employees did not support making products that better connected parent and children when building (parents are not always there).
The mPath Method
Coming from both MIT and IDEO, we combined rigor and validity of psychophysiology with core, human-centered design principles.
When possible, we recruit participants in their natural settings - real shoppers, real students, real users. Shoppers who don’t actually need a vacuum are not going to emotionally react to a vacuum display.
We have participants wear and Electrodermal Activity Sensor and eye-tracking glasses and have them use your product naturally.
Afterward, we replay their experience and scrub through the video to emotional hot spots - having them describe in further detail their emotional reactions.
We are firm believers in prototyping emotions: After 3 to 4 interviews, we iterate on your product/service in an attempt to create an improved emotional outcome.